Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Scraping the Barrel

When food runs low what else is there to do but make a stamppot, minus the staple potatoes.
Blessed with carrots and alfalfa sprouts from a dumpster, I've made a hideous looking mash of nutrition.

[note] My mother makes the best Stamppot ever [end note]

I like to grill some bread, thanks KBs, and dip it in my concoction, I think this is a universal technique.

When you are hungry nothing is better than eating!


  1. I never knew about this, it is funny because a lot of the food i make is cooked that way.

  2. Other than small delicacies stamppot is the epitome of Dutch cuisine. When you return T'nealle, we should have a stamppot night there are excellent variations including the use of apples and bacon!

    Also sauerkraut and bannana.
