Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I can't believe I spelt orthogonal wrong. I do love matrix algebra.

The comic is explained in the comments below, but things are better if you don't look instead imagine!


  1. this is funny. i don't 'get it'. but it's funny.

  2. the 2x2 matrix is orthogonal and the 3x3 (with all the 1s) is the identity matrix. So the orthogonal matrix is jealous of the identity matrix, probably cause the identity matrix gets lots of girls (I'm not sure if this is true though). The identity matrix is jealous of the orthogonal matrix, cause he's orthogonal (being orthogonal is pretty awesome), it's funny cause the identity matrix IS orthogonal!! It's not really funny, but math jokes never are.

    Also if you look deeper into this you'll realise that both Matrices are incompatible with each other.... hmmmm, so many issues to comprehend.

  3. haaaa i get it. if there's one reason i'm glad i did engineering it's that i understand maths jokes like these. luv maths

  4. actually I have a nasty habit of writing "cause" instead of "because". I hate my life.
